Hey guys so first of all our chobot of the week is..
Peace! :)
Well done, Peace.
In other news, here are 2 videos to make up for
missing Video Day this week..
Nice vids!
And my song of the week has to be this new song by Good Luck Charlie
star, Bridgit Mendler its named Ready Or Not :)
Here it is!
How amazing
is this song? :D
<3 p="p">
Before I go here is a nice image:
Lovely, I know xD
So.. I better leave before my laptop battery runs out, so see ya soon!
P.S: Sorry I couldn't make the party :(
Hey guys so the sweet battle results have been posted and..
Great job guys! Patrick45, Wolfyy and Chronological you all win: Patrick45: 7 Days of citizenship, 4000 bugs, 1st place medal Wolfyy: 5 Days of citizenship, 3000 bugs, 2nd place medal Chronological: 3 Days of citizenship, 2000 bugs, 3rd place medal
Hey guys, how are you? We got some news about the $hop, some about a party and a quick sneak peek of
our new blog feature for Saturday smiles... So lets take a look!
Firstly the $hop..
These AMAZING items have been put in/restocked in the shop. HEY LOOK! MY TEDDY'S
The top 3 comments on the main blog will get 2000 bugs btw, so..
Blog.chobots.net :)
Secondly lets party with VirtualWorldClub!
Yep we're gonna have a great party with bugs, citizenship and a lot of rain!
Not forgetting most of our lovely staff on Cho. See you there, at 1:30 PST time
Now as you know, we have started a weekly blog schedule that I now PROMISE to stick
to as the internet is back up fully. On Saturday we have Saturday Smiles right?
So how about music tune of the week?
K, I listen to music a lot so why not share my weekly fave with you all? :D
May the odds be ever in your favor
-Daniellecasey out.
Sorry I haven't been posting, I'm really busy with revision and homework :\
Please forgive meh xD
I also recently joined Pinterest.. I have been meaning to do this for some time now and since I had some spare time I thought, hey why not?
I got some news coming up for Chobots soon and some great videos!
Since tomorrow is Friday I'll have a load of spare time and I promise to post a lot!
Hey guys after 165 votes the agents have been announced!!
Our new agents are... (Drumroll please! :D) gerrard16229!!!!Icestormz!!!!!!!! Congratz guys :) You have shown so much potential throughout your Chobot life and now you have an agent badge to show for it. For you :)
Hey guys so its Zoo's birthday and we threw a heck of a party for him!
It rained a load of b day shirts and some people even won citizenship or Zoo shirts! :o
Pics: (In no particular order)
Heck yea :D
Sorry for not posting a video post yesterday, I was having some internet trouble :\
Happy birthday, Zoo!! These are 4 u:
, Or my personal fave:
Sorry for the short post but I might not be able to post as much because I'm having internet problems,
won't last long though as I have a dongle (thing that lets me connect for a while)
C ya soon :D
Note: I am going to the party.
Hi guys, you may have noticed the game review page that I have just made. As
it is a brand new feature it only has one review which is fro garbage collector.
:) Please check it out and don't forget, for all the latest updates follow our blog!
The team decided to host a masquerade party to officially start 2013 :)
But as it is a masquerade party you must wear any mask of your choice. You will need a mask for the contests :)
I hope to see you there! :D the details are shown above.
This is just a quick sneak peek
about a new drawing I'm working on
but mine has more of a Chobot
rather than anime twist. :)
Chopix took about 1hour and a half
the rest only took about 20-30 mins :)